Coffee House Discussion on Refugees – Next Wednesday

Stroud District Green Party will be sponsoring a “Coffee House Discussion” next Wednesday, September 23rd 7:30-9:30pm, with the subject “Refugee Crisis – What Can We Do“. It will be held at the Imperial Hotel by the railway station in Stroud.

There will be introductory speakers followed by lively discussion around:

  • What is already being done in Gloucestershire?
  • What are the needs?
  • What can we do here in Stroud?
  • Changing the message from ‘Keep Out’ to ‘Welcome’ – what should we be demanding of our MP and Government?

For a short and damning summary of the UK’s current position, please read Lynn Haanen’s excellent document handed out at the last party meeting. Also, try listening to this recording of a US radio piece, showing how absurd the UK position is from the perspective of a foreigner observing us from a distance:

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