Welcome to Stroud District Green Party

All types of pollution in the environment gradually take their route to water in one way or another causing water pollution.

Water pollution is considered one of the most dangerous forms of pollution as water is the basis of all the forms of life on earth. Most of the deadly forms of water contamination are caused by man-made activities that result in the death and diseases of many organisms. It is responsible for the devastating effects on aquatic life as well as terrestrial life and can contain harmful disease-causing elements such as bacteria and viruses.

Toxic waste dumped into water bodies increases water pollution levels, gradually killing animals and plant life, destroying biodiversity, and decreasing the quality of oxygen in the water, leading to the death of living organisms.


Nicola updated us on the progress of work to clean up the River Wye as seen on the documentary Rivercidea live investigative documentary streamed in 2021, presented by George Monbiot and directed by Franny Armstrong, 


Charlotte talked about the Gloucestershire Citizen Science Project from WWT, funded by the Council with the aim of improving the health and status of water-related environments in Gloucestershire and the Severn Vale area.


Senara spent many years working in TV documentary production in London before returning to Cornwall in 2009. Senara set up the group Keep Our Sea Chemical Free in 2023 and organised the protests against geo-engineering in the St.Ives Bay.


An image of a book titled 'REAL HOPE. REAL CHANGE. Manifesto 2024' with an outline of two plain green flags. In the bottom right hand corner there is a small graphic which reads 4 JULY on a calendar, next to it - Vote Green - Real Hope. Real Change. Alongside a Green cross in a square box.

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