Launch of Crowd-Funding for Our 2015 Election Campaign

Stroud District Green Party has today announced that we will be crowd-funding our election campaigns for 2015.

We’re asking backers to pledge money by visiting our page at A pledge can be as small or large as you wish; but by tapping into our support across the district we hope to raise a total of £2,600. This will fund deposit fees for our two general election candidates, and leafletting to get our message out.

We will not receive any of the money unless we reach our £2,600 goal by 15th February, so please act fast if you’d like to help us out.

May 2015 could be a turning point in British politics. Voters are finally realising that there are alternatives to the usual three grey parties with their business-as-usual politics.

The Labour Party keep accusing us of taking their votes: but the reality is quite the opposite: they have been taking our votes, for far too long now. If you agree with our values, then why vote for a party that believes in watered-down austerity, and maintaining nuclear weapons? A party that thinks that climate change can be solved with a few minor tweaks to the status quo? A party whose collaboration with the US over Iraq ushered in a new era of insecurity? A party who brought in tuition fees and PFI?

We’ve seen what a different politics could look like in the shape of our MP Caroline Lucas and our MEPs Molly Scott Cato, Jean Lambert and Keith Taylor. We need more like them at both national and local level, but we need your support to do it. Unlike the so-called “main” parties we have no wealthy or corporate backers – hence the need for crowd funding from ordinary citizens who care about their future and their children’s future.

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