Greens welcome District Council’s budget proposals on climate change & Covid

FEBRUARY 4, 2021

Stroud District Green Party has welcomed Stroud District Council’s budget proposals (published on Wednesday 3 Feb), which strengthen the council’s capacity to deliver on its commitment to make the district carbon neutral by 2030.

Nailsworth Green Councillor and Horsley Climate Action Network member Norman Kay said: “Achieving carbon neutrality will need an enormous effort by every resident and every business in the district. This is not something the council can do alone, though it will be a key enabler – we need more resources, and this budget is an important step towards putting our plans into practice”.

The budget also includes support for local communities and businesses to help them through the Covid crisis – and funding to make cold and draughty houses warmer and cheaper to heat. Cllr Catherine Braun, deputy leader of the Greens on Stroud District Council, said: “Covid has highlighted the inequalities in our society, with some communities being much worse affected than others. It is important that the council is planning how to build back better out of the crisis.”

Green councillor Jonathan Edmunds, vice-chair of the Community Services and Licensing Committee, said: “It is really important that these budget proposals have come out of Labour, Greens and Liberal Democrats working together in a cooperative alliance while also enabling Tory and independent councillors to contribute ideas through the committee system. Greens recognise that working together, although difficult at times, produces better results in the long run. We owe this to the council-tax payers. Sadly, our electoral system does not encourage this type of collaboration.”

The District Council budget proposals can be seen here. The budget will be decided at the full council meeting on February 25.

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