Molly Scott Cato News Uncategorised
17th November 2017 / 30th August 2019 by timdavies
We strongly disagree with recommendations from the District Council's "Task and Finish" group and present our own recommendations.
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Call for issue to be properly debated by full council rather than left to "Task and Finish" group
9th June 2017 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
David Drew returns to parliament; Green vote squeezed by tactical voting
25th April 2017 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
The co-leaders of the National Green Party, Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley, have written to the leaders of the Labour and Liberal Democrats urging them to unite to stop the Tories ‘wrecking Britain’. Lucas and Bartley are calling for a meeting between party leaders to discuss ways to beat the Tories at the General Election and deliver a fairer voting system. We are waiting to see if there is any interest from Labour and Liberal Democrats.
29th January 2017 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Extra funding claims are "smoke and mirrors"
28th January 2017 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Taking Britain out of the single market is reckless and a big gamble
3rd October 2016 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Free talk on the implications of Brexit, the threats to Green aspirations and some possible ways forward.
4th May 2016 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Molly Scott Cato joins canvassers for final push
18th March 2016 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Government ignores Paris commitments, cuts petroleum taxes; move to academies destroys local democratic control of our future education system
29th February 2016 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Concern over the impact this secret EU trade deal could have on local government services