Molly is the Unite to Remain Candidate for Stroud

The Green Party has come to an arrangement with Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats to field one candidate from a Remain party in selected seats in England and Wales for the upcoming election.

Stroud is amongst those seats, where local Liberal Democrats have agreed to stand down, backing Molly Scott Cato as theUnite to Remain candidate for Stroud.

That makes Molly Scott Cato the only unambiguously Remain Candidate for our constituency. Lib Dems and Greens together took 49% of the vote in the recent European Elections compared to 29% Brexit Party, 8% Conservative and 7% Labour. If we work together, Molly will win in Stroud!

Molly spoke at the launch of Unite to Remain.

Molly said “I am delighted the LibDems have provided this enormous boost to the Remain campaign in Stroud. I am standing as a Remain candidate for an unambiguously Remain Party. The Greens believe that ordinary people should have the final say in getting us out of this Brexit nightmare through a People’s Vote.”

“But I stand for much more than that”, continued Molly. “The greatest threat we face is climate breakdown; in parliament I will make this a priority by promoting a Green New Deal that will protect our planet while also delivering green jobs, warmer homes and better transport.”

Molly Scott Cato added “In these times of political crisis, we know the public would like to see political parties cooperating for the good of the country rather than just fighting for individual advantage. In Stroud we asked the Labour Party to cooperate with us as well to oppose Brexit and fight climate change, but sadly they refused.”

Talking about the Unite to Remain deals, Co-Leader of the Green Party Jonathan Bartley said: “This is about recognising how damaging Brexit would be – for people and for the environment – and ensuring there is as much representation of Remain parties in the next Parliament as possible.

“Our country is at a crossroads and this election must be the point at which we start to move in a better direction. Everyone knows the Greens are the least tribal of any party and we are always willing to work with others for what’s in the best interests of the country.”

Agreements have been reached through discussion with local parties. 

Sian Berry, Green Party Co-Leader said: “The crash-out Brexit the Tories are pushing for would be a disaster for people up and down England and Wales – and for action on climate chaos.

“Yes, as political parties we have differences, but what we’ve agreed is that on the climate, on stopping Brexit, saving local services and fixing the voting system, we must work together now so we can work together in the new parliament to make these things happen.”

The Green Party supports a People’s Vote to decide the future of Britain in the EU and will campaign to Remain.

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