Molly Scott Cato MEP Campaigns in Stroud

Molly Scott Cato MEP came to Stroud today to meet with Stroud residents ahead of the European Parliament elections next week. Molly met families with young children who are part of Extinction Rebellion, over a picnic and clothes swap at Daisy Bank.Molly with Rachel Smith and Catherine Braun

Molly said, “It was great to meet with families in Stroud who are campaigning for a future for their children. It really feels like Stroud is the home of a big movement towards climate change action, and it was exciting to meet with parents, young children and other residents who are campaigning passionately but peacefully for our planet.”

Nicola Hill, who coordinates Extinction Rebellion for Families in Stroud, said “It was great to meet with Molly and to share our concerns about climate change with her. Everyone who came along today enjoyed meeting and chatting with Molly, and we enjoyed meeting up. Anyone who wants to join the next Extinction Rebellion families meet-up will be welcome. Find us on Facebook for more details.”

Molly at the Farmers MarketMolly Scott Cato was in Stroud as part of a day of campaigning, which included attending the Stroud4Europe street stall on the High Street and meeting members of the Randwick Primary Eco Group.

The children of Randwick School showed their MEP the kind of activities they are involved with as members of the Eco Group. Molly said, “The children of Randwick represent the future of this planet and I am impressed with the depth of their understanding about how to care for the environment.”

The tour of the school was followed by a question and answer session in the Randwick Village Hall where Molly Scott Cato learned more about the community activities aimed toward making Randwick carbon neutral.

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