New Threat to Slad Valley

New proposals by developers Gladman for a greenfield housing development in the Slad Valley must be vigorously opposed, says Stroud District Councillor Martin Baxendale who represents the area affected.Baxters Fields

Previous plans for over 100 houses on Baxter’s Fields, off Summer Street in Stroud, were rejected by district council planners: a decision that was upheld by a planning inspector at appeal. The main reason for refusal was the effect on the landscape of the valley.

Councillor Baxendale, who represents Valley Ward for the Green Party and was elected on a pledge to protect the valley’s fields from any future threats of inappropriate development, says:

“Gladman have today launched a consultation on a new development proposal, with letters and leaflets mailed to local residents and councillors, saying they now want to build around 24 houses on Baxter’s Fields.

It’s a smaller development proposal but one which will still have a serious impact on the landscape and could create a worrying precedent for further building on green fields in the valley.

Just because it’s down to 24 houses now doesn’t mean it couldn’t end up being many, many more in the future. This could just be the thin edge of a very thick wedge that could see the fields of the Slad Valley flooded with inappropriate development if we’re not careful.

I will do all I can to make sure that this new proposal is refused on the same grounds as for the previous application. We are in a strong position to oppose it because it is contrary to our emerging local plan, recently voted through the district council, which aims to protect the green fields around Stroud and concentrate much needed new housing for local people on brownfield sites.”

Councillor Baxendale has also strongly opposed plans for up to 90 houses on another nearby greenfield site, Grange Fields, near Stratford Park, which is in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

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