Gloucestershire Greens Call Incinerator Decision “Perverse”

Chris Jockel (Green Parliamentary Candidate) commenting on Eric Pickles finally making a decision, noted “not only did Eric fail to make the decision on time, he also failed to make the right decision. Incineration fails to recognise waste as a resource in business and industry for re-manufacture; and if built would lock GCC into a 25 year contract with no option to reduce costs. Bad financial management in times of reducing council income.”

Cllr Lunnon (Green, Stroud Central) said “two points are really shocking about this decision, it fails to recognise that we have an over-supply of waste processing capacity in the UK and it will generate electricity with greater carbon emissions than a coal power station.

The decision to allow the development of a massive incinerator on the edge of the dramatic Cotswold ANOB is one that unless Gloucestershire County Council act to cancel the contract with UBB, we will have a quarter of a century to regret. Such an eyesore would remind us of the mis-management of Tory local and national government driven by dogma and a lack of vision.

The proposed savings touted by GCC are dubious and the proposed incinerator could actually cost us more money than alternative technology. I am now looking forward to working with other councillors at Shirehall to find a way to terminate the secretive and financially disastrous contract signed by the Tory administration.”

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