Hundreds of Stroud people take part in cross-party vigil demanding action on climate change

An estimated 500 Stroud residents joined the Vigil for the Planet in Stroud on Saturday to mark the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice.

We got some great coverage from the press, including a mention – and a video clip of our 7-foot-high dinosaur, signifying extinction – on Points West.

See the local press articles from the Stroud Times here and from the Stroud News & Journal here.

Martin Whiteside of Stroud Greens, who helped organise the cross-party event, said: “The brilliant turnout – and the many placards that people brought – showed the weight of the concern about climate change and our doubts about the government’s will and commitment to do anything substantive about it.”

The vigil was preceded by the Stroud Red Band (of which several Greens are members) and a local choir performing Enough is Enough, a song written specifically for choirs, street bands and community-based music groups around the country to perform during COP26 to raise awareness of environmental issues.

Pictured is the result of our street survey, showing that the vast majority of people are against new coal, oil and gas fields and cutting overseas aid. The vast majority are in favour of a frequent flyer tax, a carbon tax to pay for public services and think the government should do more to fight climate change.

Dozens of people took up our suggestion of writing postcards to Siobhan Baillie MP and to Boris Johnson. One, from a 14-year-old girl, read: “Dear Boris Johnson, You are in the position to make a difference to the future of the planet and the survival of humanity, which is more than can be said for most people. Don’t waste an opportunity to ensure a future for the World’s children and the rest of the World. You are Prime Minister, after all.”

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