Three opportunities to hear about the different a Green MP for Stroud would make

If you are unsure how to vote in the upcoming General Election, or if you want to find out more about what it would mean to elected a Green MP for Stroud, The Valleys and Vale, we’ve got three upcoming events you might be interested in:

Saturday 23rd November: The time is NOW: electing the SW’s first Green MP in a Climate Emergency, with Professor Rupert Read

An audience with Professor Rupert Read and Molly Scott Cato to discuss electing the South West’s first Green MP in a time of a Climate Emergency.

Join us for what is set to be a fascinating talk on how, in a time of a Climate Emergency, how important it is to elect as many Green MPs as possible.

Join us from 2 – 4pm in Stroud. Location tbc. Register and check location on EventBrite.

Fri 29th November: Jonathan Porritt joins Molly Scott Cato in discussion in Dursley

Jonathon Porritt, environmentalist and author will be joining Molly Scott Cato to discuss putting Nature at the Heart of Politics.

7 – 9pm at The Chantry Centre Lister Hall in Dursley.

More details and free registration here.

Monday 2nd December: What would a Green MP mean for Stroud, the Valleys at the Sub Rooms

Molly Scott Cato discusses what a Green MP would mean for Stroud, the Valleys and Vale. The potential in the area is huge, with so many pioneering Green groups, individuals, companies, schemes and projects. Stroud constituency has the opportunity to become a Green hub in the South West of England.

More details and free registration here.

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