News Uncategorised
18th January 2019 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Cross-party support for first steps towards Carbon Neutral 2030 commitment
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Molly Scott Cato News Uncategorised
9th January 2019 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
The Coordinators of Stroud District Green Party write to highlight our support for People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal. It is good to see a Stroud constituent asking David Drew MP and the Labour party to clarify their position on whether Jeremy Corbyn will still lead us out of the EU, albeit possibly on […]
7th January 2019 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Documents released by GCC just before Christmas reveal for the first time that the lifetime cost of the Javelin Park Incinerator is set to top £600m, after the Cabinet secretly agreed to a 30% increases in costs when renegotiating the contract in 2015/16.
14th December 2018 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
A motion setting out action to achieve the Stroud District Carbon Neutral 2030 Commitment was approved by the Council’s Environment Committee at its meeting Thursday, December 13 with unanimous support by Green, Lib Dem, Labour and Conservative Councillors.
2nd December 2018 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
"Much of the wealth of the District was built on the back of the industrial revolution - powered by coal. We have a duty to future generations to right the wrongs of the past and to steer towards a cleaner and more sustainable future."
23rd November 2018 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
The leaders of Stroud District Council's cooperative alliance have issued a joint statement declaring a climate emergency following the recent IPCC report which warned that humanity has only 12 years to take emergency action in order to prevent global warming greater than 1.5°C.
15th November 2018 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Non-violent direct action could be our last chance to mitigate climate disaster
29th October 2018 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Budget totally ignores urgent IPCC warnings on the importance of reducing carbon emissions.
23rd October 2018 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Retired teacher and local community volunteer argues that the climate change emergency must be put at the centre of political thinking.
16th October 2018 / 16th August 2019 by timdavies
Breathtaking hypocrisy from the government as it tries to claim green credentials