1st June 2018 / 30th August 2019 by timdavies
Hugh Richards summarises the coffee house discussion of 13th April and highlights a number of different viewpoints
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30th May 2018 / 30th August 2019 by timdavies
Wotton Men's Shed opened its doors to Green Party District Councillors Jim Dewey and Catherine Braun, last week, to explain about the benefits to health and wellbeing that come with being a member of the ‘shed’.
25th May 2018 / 30th August 2019 by timdavies
John Marjoram argues for the campaign to cancel Brexit: mass demonstration on June 23rd.
18th May 2018 / 30th August 2019 by timdavies
The Green Party has advocated extending the right to vote and hold public office to 16 and 17 year-olds since mid-1970. All Green Party Councillors on the Stroud District Council were pleased to vote in favour of the motion to support the Votes at 16 Campaign at the Council meeting May 17.
Martin Whiteside, Leader of the Green Councillors on the Stroud District Council, announced that Cllr Karen McKeown of Rodborough has requested membership in the Green Party and is expected to join the Green Group.
9th May 2018 / 30th August 2019 by timdavies
Today at a meeting of Gloucestershire County Council Environment Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Rachel Smith called for stronger measures to address air quality. Cllr Smith rejected the final recommendations of the Air Pollution Task Group as too limited, noting that they ignore key evidence presented to the group that shows we need to rethink transport infrastructure […]
27th April 2018 / 30th August 2019 by timdavies
At all levels, Green Party members are standing up for public health care - free at the point of delivery - and delivered without discrimination.
Stroud District Council (SDC) is joining around 200 other communities in the UK that are aiming to ditch single-use plastic. The motion had cross-Party support and was proposed by Catherine Braun (Green, Wotton-under-Edge) and seconded by Paul Denney (Labour, Cam West).
24th April 2018 / 30th August 2019 by timdavies
Green Party Councillor Catherine Braun (Wotton-under-Edge), is calling on Stroud District Council to become a ‘single use plastic free’ authority, by stopping the use of these products in the Council’s supply chain, and their sale and use at the council offices and events.
Molly Scott Cato News Uncategorised
13th April 2018 / 30th August 2019 by timdavies
Local Greens call on David Drew to resist any commitment to military action in Syria without consulting parliament