Greens To Call for Second Vote on Brexit

Stroud District Council will be acting on a joint Green/Labour motion calling for a People’s Vote on the final terms of any Brexit deal, at their meeting on Thursday, 9th August.

Cllr John Marjoram, who is seconding the motion on behalf the Greens, said “Now that we can at last see the possible roads ahead, the people’s voice should be heard again on which destination we want. We know that Brexit and the type of Brexit will have a profound effect on the health and wellbeing of Stroud District residents and workers and therefore has significant implications for the work of Stroud District Council.”

Cllr Marjoram continued “My strong preference is to build a thriving UK as an active and positive member of the EU – but it should be the people’s informed choice. We didn’t have the full information when we voted 2 years ago – so it’s only fair to have another decision on the final deal.”

Support for a second vote on the final terms of leaving the EU is growing among a broad and growing coalition of groups and individuals. A poll in July found that 71% of British people disapprove of how the Brexit negotiations are being handled. (1)

Business and community leaders from this area have highlighted the dangers of a No Deal or a Hard Brexit on the local economy, including the NFU advisor for Gloucestershire who said No Deal would be ‘cataclysmic for the farming industry’. (2)

“Since 55% of Stroud District voted to remain in the EU, the British Government should be listening to the views of local people, local businesses, voluntary organisations and local councils in deciding how to implement the original vote” said Cllr Martin Whiteside, leader of the Greens on Stroud District Council. “As David Davies once said ‘a democracy unable to change its mind is no longer a democracy.’ This is very true especially as we now have more information about how leaving the EU will affect our economy, our environment and all aspects of our society!”

(1) BBC News 24 June 2016
(2) Gloucestershire Brexit Summit 9 March 2018 presentation and video record.

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