Green Party welcomes Incinerator Information ruling

In March 2017 local Stroud Green Party member Tim Davies, submitted a Freedom of Information request to Gloucestershire County Council for a report they had commissioned from Ernst and Young on the affordability of the Incinerator contract. When this request was refused Mr Davies appealed to the Information Commissioner, who has just released her decision in his favour. GCC now have 35 days to comply or appeal the decision.

Tim Davies said it beggars belief that GCC have had to be told again, by the Information Commissioners Office to release details on how they spend our money on the Javelin Park Mass Burn Incinerator.

Cllr Rachel Smith said “In March 2017 The ICO ruled that GCC should release the Incinerator contract in full. It is shocking that our democratically elected leaders have chosen to yet again with-hold updated information, in a report that they paid the discredited auditor Ernst and Young £700,000 to write.

She added “it’s time to end, this culture of secrecy, we need open contracts by default and GCC can end the whiff of corruption that hiding behind commercial confidentiality brings into public life. Let’s hope Shirehall Tories don’t waste another £1/2M appealing this latest decision”.

Further information
Please contact Cllr Rachel Smith 07709302038

Timeline of events and FOI response
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