Greens Call for Lower Speed Limit in Chalford After Yet Another Accident

Green County Councillor Rachel Smith called for lowering the speed limit on the roads around the junction of Old Neighbourhood and the A419 in Chalford.

“With yet another accident and road closure occurring this evening (Thursday), there have been an unacceptably high number of collisions putting children, other pedestrians and motorists at risk. Improving the safety on this junction has been a priority since my election earlier this year,” she said.Rachel Smith, Robin Lewis and Green Co-Leader Jonathan Bartley

Rachel has been lobbying on the County level for the junction to be placed as a higher priority as well as working with Chalford Parish Council and Christ Church School to present their concerns to County Highways and the Road Safety Team.

“We are close to reaching agreement that as an immediate measure, a school safety zone will be put in place to reduce speeds on the A419 at school drop-off and pick-up times. This doesn’t solve every issue but it is a start, and I hope in particular it will help parents and children at Christ Church to be safer. Unfortunately this is a junction that has been ignored for a long time, and we’re paying for it now with the number of accidents occurring,” said Rachel Smith.

Robin Lewis, Green candidate in the upcoming by-election, promised to start a public campaign in favour of a 30 mph speed limit on the A419 at the bottom of Cowcombe Hill.

Robin Lewis added “Traffic dictates people’s lives. Not only are the speed and volume of traffic dangerous, it puts people off walking and cycling, and contributes to air pollution.”

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