Stroud Green Party Supports Public Ownership of the Sub Rooms

Stroud District Green Party has approved a motion supporting continued public ownership of the Subscription Rooms of Stroud.

The Strategy and Resources Committee of Stroud District Council will soon receive the recommendation of an ad hoc committee (task and finish group) established in January to examine the future use of the Sub Rooms. The mandate included considering the sale or lease of the building.

The Green Party believes that the loss of this historic building as a publicly owned facility will permanently change the character of Stroud, and so affirmed its commitment to the following principles:

  • the freehold of the Sub Rooms to be kept in public ownership;
  • the forecourt to be kept in public ownership with public access maintained in perpetuity as Stroud Town’s square;
  • the Sub Rooms to be maintained as a venue for public arts, political debate and education;
  • the details of any bids to be open for both Councillor and public scrutiny for enough time before any decision is taken to enable transparent decision making;
  • any decision making that includes losing public ownership of the Sub Rooms must be taken by the full District Council.

Furthermore, the Party recommends that Stroud District Council enters into negotiations with all interested bodies to reach a solution which achieves the aims of the above principles.

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