Show Us the Contracts

The rather dry sounding “Motion 783 – Open Contracting” is second on the list to be debated at Gloucestershire County Council on Wednesday December 7th. Sarah LunnonProposed by Cllr Sarah Lunnon (Green, Stroud Central), the motion seeks a dramatic change to the Council, a halt to the slide which has seen more and more information redacted and hidden from scrutiny and the public gaze, as a Contracting Council stops in-house services and moves to companies and charities doing the work. Many of the details of the contracts with these bodies are withheld, redacted from us. Even as we are forced to open our wallets and shoulder the costs.

Cllr Sarah Lunnon said “it’s an issue of fairness, the bottom line is that we are paying, we should see the bill and the invoice” she continued “the idea that companies won’t tender with open contracts is laughable and without evidence. However when all authorities adopt this, we will be able to see if we are getting a good deal and will be protected from bad contracting practise and predatory pricing”.

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