The Green Party Offers a Positive Alternative

Today’s political agenda is being set by the narrow interests of big business. The public need a party that will act with integrity, treat people with compassion rather than indifference, and be courageous in tackling inequality and injustice.

The Green Party, working for the good of all, not enriching the privileged few, will:

  • Rebuild a fair economy with affordable housing.
  • Bring the railways back into public hands.
  • Put the public at the heart of the NHS (not private profit).
  • Keep education free for all.
  • Take action to protect our families, communities and countryside from Climate Change.

If you vote for the change you want you can make it happen. No matter which constituency you are in, voting Green will send a message to MPs in Westminster about the change you want to see.

The Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats cling to a failed economic system. It puts growth in company profits over the well being of people, resulting in money ending up in the hands of a privileged few and leaving the rest of us to suffer at the hands of austerity – driving up inequality and causing anxiety for millions.

By pursuing a prosperity agenda and reforming the tax system the Green Party will be able to invest in public transport, kick the market out of the NHS, provide free education for all and protect the villages, communities and countryside of Stroud and Gloucestershire from Climate Change. Only the Green Party has the economic and environmental vision to protect and cherish the people and the places of the Stroud Valleys and Severn Vale.


Illustration: a paper cut by local artist James Milroy

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