Sarah Lunnon Nominated as new Parliamentary Candidate

There was standing room only at the Stroud District Green Party AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Friday, as the audience listened to Molly Scott Cato talk about the European Parliament and the opportunities and frustrations she has encountered as our MEP. Molly spoke against the secretive TTIP negotiations, and talked about working towards a fairer tax system.

At the same meeting Cllr Sarah Lunnon was adopted as the party’s parliamentary spokesperson, as she waited for the votes to be cast in the election to chose Stroud District Green Party’s Parliamentary candidate. “I’m the only candidate” she said, “so I’m quietly confidant and I’m looking forward to the challenge of a Westminster election.

“I’ve also read up very carefully on house building costs”, she added.

Molly Scott Cato MEP said “we need more Greens in Westminster, and we need more Greens with the enthusiasm and courage shown by Sarah”

Molly, Sarah and Simon
Left to right: Molly Scott Cato (MEP for the South-West); Cllr Sarah Lunnon (County Councillor for Stroud Central); Cllr Simon Pickering (Slade Ward and Chair of SDC Environment Committee).

Audience Listens to Molly's Talk

The audience during Molly’s talk

Molly's Talk

Photos: Ruth Davey

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