Incinerator Motion Lost!

In a lengthy debate at Shire Hall today, the Tories had to rely on UKIP support to see off the Labour motion to cancel the contract for the Javelin Park Incinerator.

Cllr Sarah Lunnon, Green, Stroud said:

“The debate showed just how complicated this issue is. Members made statements of fact which are in many cases unsupported, for example that an incinerator is efficient in terms of carbon emissions; or it will only deal with waste that can’t be recycled. Neither of these statements are backed up by government or environmental bodies. The statement that the proposal is affordable is one that is unsubstantiated by any hard data or evidence, and the shroud of commercial confidentiality continues to be wrapped around this project. I am very disappointed that this motion fell”

The vote was 27/24. There were reports that Stroud’s UKIP parliamentary candidate got herself photographed with the anti-incinerator demonstration taking place outside, while the UKIP councillors inside failed to support the motion.

To find out more about the incinerator proposal, against which Stroud Greens have fought long and hard, please see Gerald Hartley’s excellent article, or the GlosVAIN web site.

The only hope now to stop this project is Stroud District Council’s bid to challenge the decision on legal grounds.

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