Some Green New Year Resolutions

Haven’t made a New Year’s Resolution yet? Here’s 5 ideas for massive little things you can do without even leaving your armchair/bed..

1) Elections are happening for your local and national representatives in 4 MONTHS time! If you haven’t yet REGISTERED to be able to vote, resolve to do so here, now! Oh, and if you’re already good with this, how about resolving to make sure your mates have?..

2) Check out whose POLICIES you like! As you’re here, we’re guessing you’re interested in the Green Party’s, right?! In case you’re not sure, resolve to check out our core values to start with, from which point you can look at our wide range of detailed policies.. Or you can have a go on and do a blind test of policies you like, to see who you should vote for! (33% of the 850 who’ve done in it Stroud constituency have gone for the Green Party). Again, if you’ve already done this, how about getting someone else to?

3) If you like what you see, and want Real Change for people and our environment, pledge your commitment by becoming a MEMBER of the Green Party! Our membership has had a remarkable ‪#‎greensurge‬” recently, more than doubling last year! We want this to continue, overtaking UKIP and the Lib Dems, so no further barriers can be put up to us being on the Leaders Debate, and inspiring record numbers of new people to vote with their conviction for a radical, positive, real alternative to status quo politics this year. It’s a great introduction to joining, ahem, an awesome bunch of people; and really doesn’t cost much.

4) When you join the national party, your details will be forwarded to the local party here, and you’ll be made very welcome to join our meetings and campaigns etc. But we really need to pay for the deposit and leaflets of our general election candidates very soon. We’ve launched a CROWDFUNDER campaign this week to raise £2600 to do this. Please give generously. Part of our challenge – and charm – is that we don’t have big corporate donors as other parties do…

And finally,

5) Please SHARE our facebook posts, and help us spread the word! And if you’re a Twitter Tweep, please also follow @stroudgreens and RT our stuff. It really helps.

There, that wasn’t too bad!! You can still eat cake. Possible resolutions which include leaving your chair to follow…..

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