Free Education For All

PLEASE sign, support and share this important petition for Free Education For All:No Fees, No Cuts and No Debt. This petition has been created by Stroud’s own Sahaya James, a key figure in Gloucestershire Young Greens.

Last month saw a 10,000 strong march for ‪#‎FreeEducation‬ and now the momentum is in full swing. Students across the country held peaceful action days and occupations on 3rd Dec, which on some campuses led to unprovoked police brutality and the criminalisation of students. Right now, students are marching today for Free Ed in cities up and down the country.

Now students, teachers, parents and workers must unite to keep the pressure up in the lead up to next year’s General Election!

We can all support the student movement and the fabulous work of the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) and The Student Assembly Against Austerity.

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