Stop the FCA stifling Community Energy Co-ops

Chris Jockel, Green Party Parliamentary candidate for Stroud, has called for action to stop the FCA stifling Community Energy Co-ops.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) wants to stop the use of co-operatives as the vehicle for community renewable energy projects. Chris Jockel said:

‘The growth of the sector, which is Government policy, backed in outline by all parties and a key Green Party energy policy commitment, is at risk with this new development. Community energy may still be small in the UK, but it potentially offers a real alternative to the big energy companies, as it does in Germany where greater than 40% of energy generation is locally, regionally and or community owned and run. The deadline is 28 November 2014 so there is still time to make your voice heard to make a real difference to the future of community energy and development of an ‘energy democracy’ in the UK. Please sign and share the 38 degrees petition now!’

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