YouGov Poll: “Green Votes Would Soar if Voters Thought They Could Win”

A fascinating new poll by YouGov for the Times’s Red Box shows how Natalie Bennett’s Greens could overtake Nigel Farage’s Ukippers.

Asked which party they would vote for if all candidates had a chance of winning in their constituency, 26 per cent said they would “likely” support the Greens, ahead of Ukip on 24 per cent. The Tories and Labour were on 35 per cent each, with the Lib Dems in last place on 16 per cent.

It would be interesting to know the figures for Stroud: where Tories are fed up with their government’s lack of concern for green spaces and conservation, Lib Dems are fed up altogether, and Labour supporters wonder what is really different in Ed’s and David’s plans.

Chris Jockel, Stroud Green General Election Candidate said:

“The Green Party is now the fastest growing political party. People are disillusioned with the out of date business-as-usual policies presented by the other four parties and there are signs of a dramatic shift taking place. More and more people are considering voting Green next Spring to make a change, a change for optimism, honesty and integrity as demonstrated by our Green MP Caroline Lucas. The first steps towards a sustainable economy that works for people, based on social and environmental justice, are not just desirable; as this poll suggests they are achievable in the Stroud District next May.”

Vote for what you really want, and things really will begin to change.

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