Lest We Forget..

This rememberance day Stroud District Green Party would like to remind all our political leaders that war should not be used as a routine way to “advance our national interest”. War breeds only hate and more war. Our “Ministry of Defence” should always be focussed on true defence, not agression: war should be a last resort.

On this the centenary of that most horrific war, World War I, we remember the unimaginable number of people who lost their lives and the countless others who suffered in so many ways.

Here we present Chris Jockel reading “Dolce Et Decorum Est” by W Owen, recorded by Stroud Football Poets for a radio play ‘Fair Shares for All’ about the history of the cooperative movement. You can hear the recording on SoundCloud or Google Drive.

Rememberance poppies at the Tower of London

Rememberance poppies at the Tower of London

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