Green Party announce candidate for the 2015 General Election

Time for Real Change: Green Party announce candidate for the 2015 General Election

Chris JockelStroud District Green Party announces Chris Jockel as its candidate for the Stroud Constituency 2015 General Election.

Speaking on behalf of Stroud District Green Party, Cllr Simon Pickering said:

“Chris Jockel offers a fresh voice for the residents of Stroud District. Chris will promote policies for real change for the common good; decent pay and housing, real local democracy, a vibrant, dynamic and sustainable local economy focused on new, small to medium enterprises and innovation, community energy, local food and liveable urban and rural communities.”

Chris has lived in the district for 25 years and works for a global certification and verification company helping businesses control risk and continuously improve. He is also a Director of a nationally recognised Stroud District based social enterprise. He lives in Eastcombe and has five children and step children.

Commenting from Brussels the Green’s newest MEP and former Stroud District Councillor Dr Molly Scott-Cato said:

“The results from the Euro-elections demonstrated that in the Stroud constituency it’s a four-way split. My election and the election of Caroline Lucas in Brighton show that Greens can win national elections. It’s now time to vote for a candidate who will fight for fair economy, decent work, pay and housing as well as protect the environment on which ultimately all our wealth is dependent.”

Stroud District Green Party will officially launch its General Election campaign in the autumn.

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