Fracking letter

Dear Editor

In the light of the Government’s launch of bidding for more Fracking licences across the UK, I hope the people of the Cotswolds will be as successful as those in other areas of the UK in standing up to this dangerous attempt to proliferate the use of fossil fuels.

Whilst the local environmental impact may be disputed by some, the cost to our planet of mining and using yet more fossil fuels can easily be measured by the rate of climate change we are seeing in the world. Fossil fuels need to be left exactly where they are – in the ground.

Fracking may mean earthquakes, it may mean polluted water courses, and increased industrialisation of our countryside, but most importantly it takes focus away from the development of the real alternatives to our energy needs – wind, sun and sea. Other governments across the world have banned Fracking, and are putting resources into the development of clean renewable energy. At the same time they are creating many thousands of jobs.

Fracking is not for the common good, it is for the good of the very few. There are much better alternatives, and I will protest at any site where drilling is proposed in the Cotswolds.

One last thought… If, as the Government says, Fracking isn’t appropriate for National Parks or areas of outstanding natural beauty, then why is it appropriate for any part of our beautiful crowded islands?

Penny Burgess

Green Party


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