Welcome to the home of our 100 Club!
Stroud District Green Party is finding fun ways to involve you all in supporting our party!
We have set-up the 100 Club, as a small society lottery, and as we don’t want to deprive anyone of joining in the fun, our 100 Club is open to everyone (aged 16 or over) whether they’re members of the Green Party or not!
All you need to do is to buy a ‘ticket’ each month. Tickets are £2 each (plus a small transaction fee), with a maximum of five tickets per person.
By joining our 100 Club you have the opportunity to win a cash prize when the winning tickets are drawn each month!
We will split the prize pot 50:50 so that half the money goes out in prizes and the other goes to Stroud District Green Party. The more people who sign up, the bigger the prizes.
Prize winners can choose to keep the prize money yourself or put it back into party funds. Prize money will be credited back to the account used to buy the tickets.
The draw will take place on the last weekend of the month, and the winners names/initials will be announced in the SDGP bulletin sent out on the last Sunday of each month, and on this page.
Join the 100 Club below
Note: There is a small transaction fee added by action network on top of the £2 ticket price.
The boring stuff
- We’re not issuing physical tickets, but every entry will be issued a unique number. For each monthly draw, the winning numbers will be chosen at random using Calculator Soup.
- Each month, 50% of the total ticket sales will go to SDGP funds, and the remaining funds less operating expenses will be available as a Prize Fund.
- Prize money will be credited back to the account used to buy the tickets.
- The number and value of the winning prizes will be at the discretion of the SDGP Coordinating Committee.
- All entrants must be 16 years or older.
- Although it is called the 100 club, we are not limiting the number of tickets we issue to 100.
- The 100 Club is promoted by Stroud District Green Party, and is Registered with Stroud District Council as a Small Society Lottery under the Gambling Act 2005.
- The promoter is Huw Oliver, of Greystones, Butterrow Lane, Stroud, GL52LU