Pete’s top picks for real hope and real change
The Green Party released the General Election manifesto today, you can read it in full here.
Hear directly from Pete Kennedy, your Green Party candidate for Stroud, as he highlights five key points from the Green Party manifesto.
stroud district – a manifesto for positive change
Whether it’s the spiralling cost of living crisis, the failing British economy, wars in Ukraine and the Middle East or the climate emergency, many of us have struggled to find hope in our politics recently. But here in Stroud District we have a positive story to tell.
We’ve become the first council in Europe to be carbon neutral. We’re building hundreds of warm, affordable, and efficient council homes while also retrofitting thousands of our older homes. We’ve turbo-charged the renewable energy transition in our communities and our own council buildings and supported local business and local jobs despite our national government.
like what you see?
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