Free online discussion: why Britain needs immigration

“Britain Needs You: In Favour of Immigration” is the subject of our next Cloud Café online discussion, on Wednesday October 9 from 7.30-9pm.

This summer, Britain was shamed by the racist, anti-immigration demonstrations that erupted in its streets, fuelled by the spread of disinformation. In the aftermath, however, it was clear from the actions of the public and the swift response from the government that this view was not held universally.

We’ll hear from three speakers with in-depth knowledge of immigration issues. There will be opportunities to ask questions.

Graham Woodruff is an immigration advisor working at Praxis Community Projects in East London, providing support and legal advice to migrants and asylum seekers in crisis. He is the convenor of the Green Party Asylum & Migration Policy Working Group, which in the past few years has completely rewritten the Green Party policies on migration. The group is now actively engaged in campaign and training work.

Caroline Beatty is the founder and manager of Hill House Retreats in Amberley, which offers ‘sanctuary breaks’ for refugees, asylum seekers and others seeking sanctuary in the UK. She is co-chair of Bristol City of Sanctuary and former manager of Bristol Refugee Rights, providing the first social and welcome centre for refugees in Bristol.  Her background is in race equality community and training work.

Bill Crooks, a trainer and facilitator in international development and humanitarian aid who in the last five years has specialised in supporting programmes on anti-human trafficking and modern slavery in Italy and the UK.

To attend, or to be sent a link to watch the recording afterwards, sign up here: 


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