Stroud Valley

martin baxendale

Martin Baxendale has been a district councillor in Stroud Valley ward since 2014 and is hoping to be re-elected for a fourth term.

Martin, who is a writer, cartoonist and publisher, has lived in Stroud since he was a child, and loves the independent-minded people and the wonderful countryside.

Among the achievements he has been involved with while a councillor was blocking the once-threatened sale of the Subscription Rooms to the private sector for use as commercial offices. “I felt a great sense of pride in being part of the campaign to keep the Subs as a valued community asset,” says Martin.

He is keen to preserve Stroud’s special rural character and has a particular interest in public rights of way.

He has worked to stop inappropriate development from damaging the irreplaceable landscape and wildlife around the Stroud valleys. In his ward, he will use his influence as chair of the development control committee to continue to protect the green fields of the Slad Valley from large-scale housing development.

If re-elected, Martin will work with the council to help it achieve its aim of a carbon neutral district by 2030. On a national and international scale, he would like to see greater equality and faster action on climate change. He is particularly opposed to councils investing pension money in fossil fuels.

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